Saturday, August 7, 2010

New Postd

Ok. So I set my other journals to private and saved all my post to this journal. I had some nosy people that I didn't want reading this. I didn't mind at first until they started going back and telling little things in here to other family members. I mean I don't even really say anything bad in here at all. But I do talk about my relationship with my boyfriend at times and this one certain person was going back and twisting things around. But I have Prof  in here that I do not say anything about anyone that I should not in here. I guess the people that do read this or happen to read everything would be the only ones to know that. And I should not have to let people nose around in it just to prove other wise. :) 

I'm to the point where I could care less what they think or say. Foreal. I am use to it and it don't worry me anymore. I do get bothered at times when they twist things and I have to fight to protect myself but now I'm done with it. If you think I said it rather I did or not then just think it cause I wont tell you yes or no lol DONE WITH IT!

I am almost out of cigs again. Dang! Oh well it's not like I need them but I really want another pack. I wont have anymore money till tomorrow maybe. I been doing a little shopping and I think I have spent close to $200 on just little things that I don't really need or than the ferret food and things I needed for my animals. My ferrets were starting to lose alot of weight and getting sick. And it was bad. I could see their bones. So I went and bought a bag of ferret food for $30 and some ferret tone to add to the other food when I cannot afford the $30 bag of food. Also bought a can of soft caned food with ferret tone in it just to give them a extra boost on some fat. They really need it. And it's working so good. 

It's amazing how ferrets can go down hill so fast but also recover from it so fast. They look like they are feeling alot better. They want out to play again. I cut some boxes and taped alot of them together to make a big running room for them and at the time Gizmo didn't want to play and Vivian spent most of her time just trying to get out. Skittles is the only one who liked it and wanted to play. So until they get better I will start putting them back in the play room I made later on for a hours at a time. 

I still need to get Katies papers somehow. I guess next time I come across $ 5 bucks I will save it and go get her redgitsterd. I need to remember this before court or I'm screwed. I'm not sure if they can take my dog from me or not. She has all her shots and in good health. I would hate to lose her over $5 :( My problem is just remembering to do things. 

I'm starting my plant collection all over again. I lost all my others in between moves and just them dying. I got 2 spider plants and a bamboo plant. I heard the spider plants grow pretty fast and will sprout so I can start re potted them soon enough. They are all still very small though. I just re potted them today so i need to work on buying some more pot for them. It's so healthy to have plants around also. I went and bought another humidifier for the ferrets. So now I have two. When I get my own place again I will work on getting at least 2 for each room. They are pretty cheap to. :) 

The lady I have been helping out for the past 4 days bought me some vitamins the other day. And I never thought the damn things work like people say they do but the ones I'm on are great. They even help with pain to. Leg craps and fights off cancer cells. Allot of other things as well. And most of all gives you energy. If it were not for them I don't think I would have been getting up so early to help this lady move things from house to house. I mean I been moving counters and dressers and allot of heavy things. no back trouble so far lol I know this damn computer chair kills my back though. I got a used computer chair on it's way shorty so I know that will help. Plus I got a UBS keyboard and mouse so now I can just lay back and not worry about my back hurting when I'm on this damn computer for hours at a time. Now I can get rid of my computer chair and foot stand to save on some space. I'm just ramping on.... here's some new photos ! :)

We have 12 animals here and I took some pics of them all. One person just moved out yesterday so that's one down and one cat out lol that would be the white and black cat in the photos. 

play spot for the ferrets

Missy, Herculies, Lumpy, Katie
The horse
cute face
Herculies don't really like Missy to much but you can't tell here lol
Katie playing with Cali
Herc again
The new dog to the family. her name is missy
Roomates dog Hurculies
My hermit crab
He in there somwhere
Katie and Lalu
My fish Vasquez
Katie and Lumpy 
Katie and Cali 
LaLu   Cali  LIL


Lumpy and Lil 
Lumpy the cool cat
I kinda miss her being here she was a good cat :)

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