If people are talking about you it is either jealousy or them giving someone else a break, hey you must be popular to have them talk about you!!!
Drama this Drama That..Just get over it and grow up!
You don't know me, you don't know my life, and you dang sure don't know what I've been through! So until you do, STAY OUT OF MY BUSINESS!
People keep telling me I'm on Facebook all the time but how would they know unless they were on all the time lol?
has had way too many "What was I thinking?" moments in their life!
Oh, I'm sorry, you were expecting honesty, not sarcasm... Well then... Next time, try not to be such an easy target.
only a real friend will play slow motion ninjas in the hall way with you when no one is looking
OK be honest, have you ever gone to someones house and "fixed" their roll of toilet paper so it is going the right way? (over the top)
Was pulled over yesterday. Next time when the policeman asks .. "Do you know why I pulled you over?" I will reply with, "Why did you already forget?"
I have two sides of me one wants to give you nothing but love and honesty the other honestly wants to run you down with the car and throw you off a bridge
I might be crazy, but you're stupid...and medicine doesn't fix that!
Ooh ee ooh ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang. Ooh ee ooh ah ah ting tang wala wala bing baa ang!! Try getting that one outta your head!!
they say that in order to succeed in life, u have 2 climb the mountain. personally, im lookin 4 the elevator!
hopes someone out there is accomplishing something today, because motivation abandoned me hours ago.
have a friend and keep them such, never let them know too much, for if that friend becomes a foe, all your secrets the world will know!
Don't waste your time talking to my face, when you've used all you're energy talking behind my back!
A Friend will pick you up from the floor if your drunk, BUT.. A Best friend will clear a path through the crowd yelling "they's drunk MOVE!"
doesn't have an attitude problem, I have personality!!
you know your insane when you read through the insane section of status shuffle and start saying yup been there done that
Why is it that people from your past refuse to allow you to be the person you've become and instead are only willing to see you for who you used to be?
is wondering how some people survive with having only the brain capacity of a rock.
How do gay gangsters do a drive by? They drive in a pink car, throw skittles and yell "that's right bitches taste the rainbow!"
Always remember... if you are ever chased by a bear, you don't need to be the fastest person to get away, you just need to be faster than the slowest person!
Never hold your farts in! They travel up your spine & into your brain! Then you end up with crappy thoughts! And have bad brain farts!
The world is filled with people who want to stand in your way or alter your path or just be be a complete annoyance for lack of better amusement ...
is Living la Vida Broke-A
I'd rather shovel shit with a teaspoon than deal with drama!
When people tell me to "Go To Hell" I just smile and say,"I Cant The Devil Still Has That Restraining Order On Me!"
You can't move forward if you keep looking in your rear view mirror!
tthhee pposstt officce ssentt yyur vvibrraatorr 2 mmyy hhouse bbyy misstaake . howw dooo uu turrnn thhiss tthhinnng offfff??
*WARNING* When you see me smile I'm just plotting on how i should kill you. And where i should hide your BIG @$$ body. "JUST SAYING"
I am somewhere between lost and found...
You know you are going crazy when you catch yourself saying 'oops sorry' to the pop bottle u just kicked over!!
loves to give false and misleading information to gossipers... it messes them up and makes them look ridiculously stupid! hahaha
Instead of being born, some people should have been swallowed or spit out!
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me. If you want something sugarcoated, go eat a donut.
Holy crap! Did you just feel that? I think the whole world just revolved around YOU!
suffers from chronic I could care less syndrome...
finds your problem absolutely fascinating , and is sure that the nice people at wepretend2care.com will feel the same way ...
sometimes the hardest thing to believe is the truth.
Of course I'm out of my mind...and I'm never going back.
Envy is a waste of time
It is not love that is blind, but jealousy
The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves. ~William Penn, Some Fruits of Solitude, 1693
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