Thursday, September 9, 2010


Just got back from the dentist. I had my root canal done. It didn't hurt at all! I'm glad I'm getting my teeth fixed. I have been waiting so long to get this done. And I'm just glad I get a chance to be one of the people in my family that don't have to surfer from all the teeth pain. My head acts has gone away and my mouth feels new again! I still have some more that dose need to be done though. But all the big things are out of the way. I have to go back once more for them to finish the root canal. They put some white filling in it. Looks like white out on half my tooth lol But when I go back they are going to make it look real lol It's like a blessing to have all this done for free. Without these very nice people I would have never had all this done. This is thousands of dollars worth done on my teeth. When I do have the money I will make a donation to them and do the best I can. They would never know how thankful I am for this! It is a blessing and I am not just saying that. True blessing!!!! 

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